Chemistry in Moscow

Chemistry in Moscow

Chemistry 2024

The international exhibition of chemical industry "CHEMISTRY - 2024" will be held in Moscow on October 21-24 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment.

The Chemistry exhibition is a unique project held since 1965: a meeting place and decision-making platform, a platform where professionals and experts exchange practical experience, discuss the latest trends and innovations in the industry.

As one of the largest manufacturers of the Belarusian petrochemical industry, OJSC "SvetlogorskKhimvolokno" will present the entire line of manufactured products at its exposition.

At the exhibition, you can get acquainted with samples of modern non-woven polypropylene materials Spunbel, AquaSpun, MediSpun, SpunBel HG, Budar, Meltblown, polymer packaging products, unique heat-resistant materials "Arselon", medical latex and nitrile gloves, polyester textile yarns, including those with functional properties. It will be possible to consult with the company's specialists on issues related to the presented products, study the advertising materials.

The exhibition will feature this year's new products - multilayer coextrusion film, immobilization splint, polyamide yarn.

We invite you to visit the joint stand of the Belneftekhim concern C60 in the 2nd hall of the second pavilion of the Expocentre Central Exhibition Complex on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment.

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